Friday, February 27, 2009

Non-macro shots on a macro outing...

Well, without a macro lens, I walked around, distracting LordMint from taking his macro shots and we both saw...

Is that a hornbill?

A hornbill! Well, he had his 100-400mm so he was busy snapping away. I had an 85mm so this is the best I could do :(

Singular beauty

So, I had to search for a bigger subject, and the lily was too far away. But then the light was so interesting that I gave it a go as well.

Mini dragon

Then, of course, the macro shooters started shooting macro. I didn't wanna be left out so I also tried. But can't get close enough :( But I love the bokeh though :D


And before I went home, I spotted this flower which well, got to shoot la. Nothing fantastic but thought the flower managed to make itself stand out.

And thats all for this week!


Amino @ Lordmint said...

Nah.. it's all good. i hardly shoot seriously during those big outings.. 1 or 2 compulsory shots, then im done. chatting and joking with buddies more fun :) chasing hornbill and mistakenly identifying crow as an eagle is also fun!

Nicholas Leong said...

Lol the crow was big :P

Kurt (OrionMystery) said...

So did you manage to get yourself poisoned good? Getting a 70-200 f2.8 soon? :D

Or3nZai said...

your third shot can be a great wallpaper with a motivating phrase on the right hand side :) nice one

Nicholas Leong said...

@kurt no poison :P the guy beside was using canon.. so immune..

@orenzai thanks :)

meendee said...

woot~ having fun with new toy :D

i like the lily shot, niceee~

Nicholas Leong said...

@meendee New toys are always fun :P