Wednesday, March 18, 2009 is now live!

After mulling it over, I decided to move to a self-hosted environment. And it wasn't easy finding a template that I really wanted (without paying of course). But in the end, I think I found it.

It might not be the same style as the blog over here as it moves back to the one post per day. Hopefully my viewers won't run away.

I have also decided to get rid of the ads and stuff and it will just mainly be my photos. One big photo a day.

I'll see you all at the new space:

Bookmark it! :)


meendee said...

will you still be keeping this blog?

Nicholas Leong said...

@meendee i'll come in here once in a while. Definitely won't be deleting it. There are some photos here that I probably won't repost in the new blog :)

libpuritan said...

congrats on the new home. time to update my links. =)

Amir Hamzah said...

wooh! bookmarked :D

Kurt (OrionMystery) said...

Congratz, when is the house warming party?:D

Nicholas Leong said...

lol what housewarming party? no money lah!