Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jack and Yen Ling - Part 1


Another wedding, another job introduced by Tim and we are pretty much improving as we go. I think this was so far my best coverage of a wedding yet so I am pretty happy with the direction we are heading.

A happy bride

This time around, we managed to get some posed shots, some natural shots and best of all, the bride, the groom, the relatives and the friends were all so smiley that it was so easy to capture their raw emotion on camera.

Carry me!

The groom's friends were also largely cooperative and they did everything in good sport. Of course, there were some bargaining here and there but in the end, they played all the games. Good sport.

The happy couple

So, I wish Jack and Yen Ling all the best although I still have another series of them to share after this. But as usual, enjoy the video I created for their dinner below:

For high quality version, you know what to do.

Tomorrow: The dinner pics!


Amino @ Lordmint said...

Ooo.. lovely shots!
Nice nice!

Amino @ Lordmint said...

Just checked the EXIF.. I knew it! 35mm! :P

Nicholas Leong said...

@LM Thanks :) And haha yeah, the 35mm :)