Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dance Fest 2008 - Part 6

Fan out!

After the ballroom dance, it was time for some props to emerge. The first being the Chinese fan. While is usual to see Chinese fan dance, I was surprised that they went with a contemporary costume this time rather than going traditional.

Swirling kick!

I guess the choice of costume was in line with the way the performance was going. If everybody thought Chinese fan dance was going to be slow, they were wrong. They kept up the tempo and more swirly kicks were to be seen.

Fan dance

So it was an interesting take on an old traditional dance. One that I enjoyed. The above is a bad PP job from me. I like the composition as I found space to put the logo but I just didn't blend it in well enough. Sigh.

Next up: Dance Fest 2008 goes down!


meendee said...

i like the last shot :) first shot if focus on the front gal maybe better?

Nicholas Leong said...

@meendee I like it too but I think the logo needs to blend in more. Noob PP technique is like this wan ler :(

And I agree, I think the first shot would have been better if the front girl was the focus :)