Monday, March 9, 2009

The real reason I am in Singapore...

I'm an uncle!!

It is because I am now an uncle! :) Meet Audrey Ng - my niece. She's my sister's first child and she was born on February 27.

So, while I managed a little shopping and a photo trip as well (alone unfortunately), she was the reason I was there :)


Or3nZai said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Uncle Nick,

Audrey looks "real" enough to warrant a trip to Singapore. I have other reasons to want to visit Singapore and that's to pick up my Sekonic light meter's radio module and my fourth Pocket Wizard transmitter.

meendee said...

congrats, uncle nick ;) hope you had a great trip, and looking forward to your pixies!

Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Nick! Really sorry couldn't join you in your shoot. Too much to catch up on for my studies. Haha.

libpuritan said...

adorable. congrats on pretty little audrey! =)

Nicholas Leong said...

@orenzai thanks :)

@shim lol hrmm *plans hijacking trip*

@meendee thanks :) and bird park coming up soon.. hopefully

@vince lol no worries, good luck for your exams.

@steph thanks! :)

Kurt (OrionMystery) said...

Congrats, uncle Nick :D. And did you get any new toys while in S'pore?

Nicholas Leong said...

@Kurt lol nothing! :P dint buy anything at all..

Hannah said...

awwwww :) Congratulations on being uncle... really really cute :)